Friday 27 February 2009

Snow Patrol Actually Good?

Ok I know many people will tune out the moment they see the words 'Snow Patrol' but they shouldn't, they really shouldn't. I don't advocate the attitude of 'lets write the poppiest song we can manage that will sell millions but annoy anyone who actually liked the proper songs off our first 2 albums' a lá the six note dirge that was 'Chasing Cars', but there are a few gems that they have and for me those songs are always worth digging for.

The best example of this is 'Somewhere a Clock is Ticking' from their 2003 album 'Final Straw'. This song is something of a what-could-have-been song for me as it showcases the potential they have to write absolutely epic 4 and a half minute rock songs. The song starts off with a quiet introspective guitar, the odd electronic click and the songs main refrain, but it slowly builds and as the song progresses, creates a huge wall of crashing guitars and violins that assaults your eardrums with chaotic noise.

Songs that actually make me feel like I felt when I was discovering bands for the first time are few and far between, but this is one of them and for that Snow Patrol have earned some forgiveness in my eyes.

Snow Patrol - Somewhere A Clock Is Ticking

New Frankmusik video alert!

the delectable Frankmusik is releasing his next single "Better Off As Two" on April 13th.

of course it is not nearly as gloriously euphoric as "3 Little Words", but then only about 6 songs are.... still it is a sweet little emotive pop ditty of the kind which Mr. Musik is so bloody good.

the album is set to drop in June and is one of the my most anticipated releases this year, after Cowboy X and She Who Must Not Be Named (you know who im referring to :P)

Frankmusik - In Step

Frankmusik - Rehab (Amy winehouse Cover)

Shameless Guilty Pleasure Alert.

Oh god...

i REALLY shouldn't like this song...

...they look like twats dont they?

But ykno what? iv had a shitty day today yet this song has single handedly made me giddy as an emo school girl inspite of myself!!

see thats what i LOVE about pop music...

Metro Station - Shake It

Thursday 26 February 2009

Enjoy the cover version.

My fave independant girl band Red Blooded Women will be releasing their long awaited follow-up to last summers (criminally over-looked) "You Made Your Bed" in the form of a cover of Depeche Mode's "Enjoy The Silence" next month. The Designer Drugs remix is currently doing the rounds on hypemachine in order to whet our appetite and its not bad really - basically a raved up version of the track with a smidge of donk for good measure.


Saturday 21 February 2009

Beautiful Dancing Loner Robots - Update

It is official:

"Untouchable" will indeed be the third single to be taken from the current Girls Aloud album...


no word on a possible radio edit though...



Friday 20 February 2009

The Brit Awards Last Night

  • James Corden, Matt Horne and Kylie Minogue opening the show by taking the piss out of the "Cant Get You Out Of My Head" video: Those boys aren't bad dancers! They even kept time & everything!
Well there ya go sports fans! Hope you found all this very informative... Looking forward to next year's Tesco soul awards!


Thursday 19 February 2009

Beautiful Robots Dancing Alone...

So according to Popjustice, the third single to be taken from Girls Aloud's current album Out of Control is to be announced fairly soon. Hurrah!

PJ have already expressed their rejection of a possible of a radio edit of the epic "Untouchable" which i kind of agree with cos it is a pretty spectacular, swirlingly amazing 6 minutes and 43 seconds of electro loveliness which contains the timeless couplet,

'Without any meaning, we're just skin and bone,
Like beautiful robots dancing alone'

...and would lose any emotional impact by being chopped and changed into a neat, 3 minute and 30 second package.

There has been talk of "Love Is The Key" or "Rolling Back The Rivers in Time" making the cut, but in my opinion that'd be a bit of a step backwards after the heartbreakingly beautiful, Pet Shop Boys produced "The Loving Kind".

In my opinion it's gotta be either "Turn To Stone", or MAYBE "Miss You Bow Wow" despite the idiotic title, simply because i will now always associate the song with the drag show at The George and the fact that the DJ there played Little Boots, Annie, Frankmusik AND Girls Aloud one after the other therefore making him/her the GREATEST DJ IN THE WORLD.


Girls Aloud - Untouchable

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Amanda Palmer, Amanda F**king Awesome

Ok considering I'm a huge fan there's no point in me trying to review the gig so I'm just going to give a bit of a summary of the night with review like sections. Click the read more for an overview of the night.


Transformers, Because We all Love Big Stompy Robots

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen from Bay Films/Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.

Sunday 15 February 2009

Honey meddles with Little Boots.

You may remember a recent post i did on a charming 15 year old fledgling singer/songwriter simply named "Honey" and her somewhat rough around the edges but very cute "kate nash meets the ting tings" indie pop sound...

anyhoo, she has now posted up an mp3 of her charming acoustic cover of Meddle by Little Boots and i believe it to be most agreeable.

Honey - Meddle (Little Boots cover)

right, i SWEAR i will not mention Little Boots again for at LEAST another week... *determined face*

Road Records may be saved! Hurrah!

According to last friday's Irish Times...

There may be light at the end of the tunnel for independent music outlet Road Records. The shop, opened in 1997 on Fade Street in Dublin 2, had been scheduled to close in the coming weeks. Owners Dave Kennedy and Julie Collins blamed a shortage of footfall and an increase in illegal downloads, among other factors, for its demise.

However, plans for a “Save Road Records” investment club – involving members of the Irish music industry and others buying shares in the company – are currently being finalised.

“I can’t say too much about it yet, but yes, it’s true,” said Kennedy. “It’s a distinct possibility that we will carry on at this stage. I’m relieved, more than anything else.”

“It’s just brilliant news,” said regular Road customer Sean Kenny. “In a time of doom and gloom, it’s like a little fairytale. And I think it’ll teach a lot of people that that they should get out there and support their local indies before its too late.”

Mr. Kenny is right, it IS like a little fairytale...

*starts welling up*

This Little Boots obsession of mine has reached a new peak of pathetic-ness. the title suggests, this little boots obsession of mine has... (yeah, yeah get on with it - Ed)

I find myself checking out whatever music she says shes been listening to on her blog cos iv been noticing that whatever she happens to love, i seem to end up loving too. and while that may seem a bit sad...

...i dont really give a crap cos iv discovered some amazing music because of it!

case in point:


"So Fine"

awesome yes?

Friday 13 February 2009

the Tin Man - The next generation.

my cowboy x obsession continues with the brand new video for Japanese Toy (about 4 or 5 months after the actual single was released - see chris? if cowboy x can do things in a random order like that why cant candy in my heels?lol;)

as u can see, the video is quite bizarre but happily following on from the starship trooper theme (now with added samurai swords!)


have a look see for yourselves...

you should also click here to check out new single Break Me which carries on the tradition of general excellent-ness.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaimen A Winning Combination

This coming monday the 16th of February Amanda Palmer (Frontwoman of the punk cabaret duo 'The Dresden Dolls') will be taking the stage at the Sugar Club for the second Dublin date of the 'Who Killed Amanda Palmer' tour. Doors open at 7.30 and tickets are...sold out. Which I only just found out.

However, for those of us who did not manage to get a ticket if you head down to Chapters on Parnell street at 5 o clock the following day she will be doing a small acoustic performance and Neil Gaiman author of 'The Graveyard Book' and many many other books will be doing a book signing too.

Monday 9 February 2009

If She Can Make It Here...

Ever have one of those wistful, philosophical moments where you wonder what could've been? I think everyone has...

I was born in New York, Manhattan to be specific, but was only a resident for the first few months of my life before my parents decided to move back to Ireland... But I've always wondered what my life would have been like if dad hadn't accepted that job in Dublin and my parents had actually stayed in that rent controlled apartment in Greenwich Village. What kind of person would I be today? Would I have been that strange kid in school that no one wants to sit next to? Or would I be a horrible cheerleader type?*shudder* It doesn't matter really I suppose... I mean I'm perfectly happy here in Ireland - I'm in a pretty awesome college, I have the most amazing set of friends in the world, and Dublin is most definitely the city I will always return to where ever I end up in the world... But I'll always be a native New Yorker.

I've even got the passport to prove it.

Odyssey - Native New Yorker

Jay Z & Santogold - Brooklyn (Go Hard)

Billy Joel - New York State of Mind

Beastie Boys - An Open Letter to NYC

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Drummer from Cowboy X admits "I don't know lyrics to own songs" - World reels in shock.

Thanks to everyone who came to the gig in Whelan's last Thursday and to Cyprus Ave in Cork the following night.
Whelan's was especially good......we didn't realise how many people know the words to the songs......I don't even know the words to the songs.
There's already some good footage up on u-tube if anyone's interested

That and we'd like to thank the 'street team' if thats what you call them. Chris, Naimh, Tommy, Andy, Saranne and anyone else who put up posters.

Hope you had a good time...we bloody did!



Monday 2 February 2009

The Lost Art of the B-side...

Along with the death of CD single, the art of the b-side has been another casualty of the internet's reign over the music industry recently.

This is a real pity, as there are some savage b-sides out there that are currently being squandered on 7" vinyls that approxiamately 4 people will end up buying, or abandoned entirely in favour of dozens of identikit remixes that clutter up most of the so-called "EPs" on iTunes...

Here are some excellent b-sides iv discovered recently...

Ladyhawke - Danny & Jenny

Lily Allen - Kabul Shit

Girls Aloud - Memory Of You (You Tube Rip)

Sunday 1 February 2009

Who would you rather be The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?

As you may or may not know I'm a huge HUGE Metric fan so the recent announcement that Metric's 4th album 'Fantasies' will be released in the US and Canada on April 14th with a plan for a worldwide release shortly after got me very excited. There will be a variety of extras for those who pre-order the album, limited edition vinyl, hardcover CD's and a straight download of the album. If you go to the site here you can get an acoustic version of the lead track off the album 'Help I'm alive'.

Here's the tracklisting as its thought to be at the moment.

1. Help I'm Alive
2. Sick Muse
3. Satellite Mind
4. Twilight Galaxy
5. Gold Guns Girls
6. Gimme Sympathy
7. Collect Call
8. Front Row
9. Blindness
10. Stadium Love

And as a little bonus here's an acoustic version of 'Gimme Sympathy' a song which I cannot get out of my head at the moment. (It will also explain the title of this post).

Metric - Gimme Sympathy (Acoustic at Coachella)

Money Don't Mean Much Here... The end of Daggers.

You may remember I recently posted a piece as part of my "Tips from the stable" article about the epic synth pop/rock outfit Daggers whom I have become increasingly obsessed with in recent months....

Well, imagine my shock and genuine, heartfelt disappointment to stumble onto their myspace page and find they have just announced their split, completely out of nowhere and without any reasons as to why they have done so. The final blog merely reads as follows:


It's over.

Thank you for everything.
You will never know what it means.


I really am properly gutted about this as I genuinely believed in this band and how truly awesome they were... all thats left of them now is a handful of tracks on iTunes and an all but deserted myspace page, stripped of all the tracks on their myspace player so one cannot even mourn them by wallowing in their musical brilliance one last time... I'm sounding mightily dramatic I know, but its merely cos I believe that if a fantastic band like Daggers, with so much potential on their side, feel the need to break up for whatever reason, then the music industry really is in a sorry state at the moment.

R.I.P Daggers...

You will be sadly missed.

Daggers - Money