Thursday 28 May 2009

Extreme Sheepherding

Ok I know this is not music related and I don't plan to make a habit of these kind of posts but I just thought this was too good to pass up.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

I don't know about you but...

...this really looks to be the moment that Guy Ritchie may have jumped the shark.

Thursday 21 May 2009

Tesco Soul.

So, the new Passion Pit album is now on sale in Tesco of all places. To be honest, this doesn't bother me all that hugely as I was never really caught up in the whole Passion Pit hype apart from "Sleepyhead" but it does raise a question I've pondered alot recently - Why do we become so much less enamoured with a band once it becomes apparent that they are slowly but surely making their towards mainstream ubiquity?


Sunday 17 May 2009

In Bb 2.0 - A Collaborative Music/Spoken Word Project

Getting users to play ambient pieces in the key of Bb then upload the video of their recording to YouTube they created this awesome musical collaboration.

Check it out here

Saturday 16 May 2009

Very Important Eurovision Notice: If This Song Doesn't Win I Will Eat My Hat.

This below is the Norwegian entry for tonight's Eurovision song contest.

It's by a dude called Alexander Rybak and its called Fairytale.

As you can see, it is quite mad yet somehow strangely compelling and brilliant.

And that fiddle riff...


You see, THIS is the kind of song Ireland needs to be writing for the Eurovision! It's got that OTT trad feel to it while also incorporating that all important minor key to give it an Eastern European flavour. It also has a bit of an epic chorus goin' on. (We won't focus too much on the clumsy verse lyrics...)

Anyway, NOTE TO NEXT YEAR'S IRISH ENTRY: write something that sounds like this song!!!

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Shameless Plug

For those of you who don't know, Sally (sodthemachine) and I play in a band called 'Candy in my Heels'. We have been very kindly asked to support the awesome 'Cowboy X' at their forthcoming Academy 2 gig on May 31st. For those who didn't bother to read the poster the other support comes from ex-The Chalets and Neosupervital members 'Talulah Does The Hula'. Doors at 7. Tickets available for €10 from Ticketmaster.

Come one come all and enjoy a night of electro rock/indie!

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Reasons Why Ukuleles Rock #67254: Priscilla Ahn.


Monday 4 May 2009

Lego Guitar

Being the big music nerd that I am (especially when it comes to guitars) I just had to post this. Although there are no strings in the picture it is listed as being fully functional but the truss rod can only hold the string tension for so long so you have to take the strings off when your not playing it.

Les Paul Standard body, a nice dogear P-90 pickup on the bridge for light distortion and a vintage tone and then a more modern humbucker at the neck. Unfortunately its already been sold on Ebay.

More pictures here.