Monday 20 April 2009

The Lost Art of the B-Side Part 2: Now with added mumps.

So I've been struck down with the bloody mumps of all things at the moment so really this should be the perfect opportunity to catch up on my blogging since I'll have nothing better to do trapped inside the house for A WHOLE WEEK MAYBE EVEN TWO WEEKS.

So I'll start off with the relatively new discovery known as Rochelle. They do be a London based electro outfit who have released a couple of fairly low key singles so far such as "Fer De Lance" which I found vaguely interesting but not exactly earth shattering. However they appear set to change all that by releasing "Chin Up", a rockin' party choon if ever there was one...

...HOWEVER! There is also an astonishingly awesome b-side called "In The Night" which is probably even more worthy of being checked out then its a-side buddy. In fact I believe it to be so astonishingly awesome that it could have quite easily slipped into the guise of an a-side its that damn good. Plus I'm a sucker for anything in a very obvious minor key and that sounds like something that Buffy Summers would listen to if she was an electro fan.

Rochelle - In The Night

1 comment:

The Great Mortomer said...

Haha... sometimes you're too cute, you B-side and Buffy lovin' electro princess...;)