Wednesday 28 October 2009

Acapella Storm

Ok I know it may seem like I'm posting a lot of videos but if you watch this video from the beginning to just after 2 minutes in and don't want to keep watching then I will eat my hat (and think that you have no taste in music).

Who knew a Concept Album about Cricket would work so well?

Duckworth Lewis Method - Meeting Mr. Miandad

Tuesday 27 October 2009

...and the curse of the X Factor is broken with one EPIC performance.

After the recent shambolic performances from so-called "musical legends" such as Whitney Houston and Robbie Williams these past couple of weeks on the X Factor, it was a genuinely pleasant surprise and downright relief to hear an astoundingly breathtaking performance courtesy of Tesco Soul favourite, Michael Buble on last Sunday's results show.

Buble completely OWNED the X Factor stage with a rousingly Bond-style arrangement of Julie London's classic tear jerker "Cry Me A River" and utterly wiped the floor with any of the young upstarts attempting the obligatory (and typically chronic) "Big Band" night...

Epic stuff.

Watch out for the classic comment from Dermot O' Leary at the end...

Thursday 22 October 2009

Clockwork Apple Present: Something To Do On Saturday

For those of you who haven't heard me going on about this, the lovely people at Clockwork Apple (they put on gigs you know) have put together a marvellous line up to entertain you this Saturday 24th upstairs in Whelans. Kicking the night off are Powered by Springs. Followed by Clockwork Noise(my band) who will be debuting a few new tracks which I'm rather excited about.

And then finally, fresh from their appearance at Electric Picnic and having just released their debut album 'With All Your Friends', 8 ball will be taking the stage with their brand of quirky electro indie, (I was going to put outlook is good or some other magic 8 ball related joke here but decided against it).

Doors at 8. Admission €10.
Hope to see you down there!

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Extremely Bizarre But Awesome Marina and the Diamonds Video.

Anybody know how they did the whole paper arms and legs thing? Amazing.

Sunday 11 October 2009

Stephen Gately: 1976 - 2009


Thursday 8 October 2009

New Talulah Does The Hula Official Video Alert.

Typical. You wait for one Talulah Does The Hula video to come along and two come along in one week...

Hot on the heels of the unofficial video for "Brick For A Brain" that came out earlier this week, now comes the official video for recent single "Bad Boyfriend" that was shot earlier this summer.

Bad Boyfriend - Talulah Does The Hula from jessie ward on href="">Vimeo.

They're so damn pretty aren't they?

I'd hate them if they didn't also happen to be really lovely people and possess the uncanny knack for making catchy pop choons... *sigh*


Wednesday 7 October 2009

New Cowboy X Choons Alert / Shameless Plug

After a painfully long (for me) few months tucked away in the studio, Cowboy X have FINALLY announced the release of their brand new EP "Analogue Droids"


Friday 2 October 2009

There's Always Some Fat Guy In Your Way.

In the world of Happiness Machine favourites Talulah Does The Hula, there is only one other song that i love more than "Those Girls"...

...and that song is "Brick For A Brain".

The very first Talulah track i ever heard, it contains the immortal lyric "Move ahead can't move ahead, there's always some fat guy in your way"... and I think we can all relate to that really can't we? Anyhoo, much to my delight I have just discovered a new unofficial video that the girls have thrown together to accompany the demo, made up of retro clips and footage and the like. Rather jolly don't you think?

Check out their myspace as the girls have some upcoming gigs this month (including a slot on this year's Hard Working Class Heroes Festival) and as always are well worth checking out:)