Tuesday 31 March 2009

In Loving Memory of...The Chalets

In what may or may not become a regular feature here, every now and then I want to put up a track from now defunct bands that I think should never have split up/killed themselves/overdosed on a drug of their choice.

First up is Irish Indie-pop with the odd synthesizer thrown in band 'The Chalets'. The Chalets formed in 2001 at All tomorrows parties, released a handful of singles, released the spectacular 'Nightrock' Ep in 2004 and the brilliant debut album Check-In on Setanta in 2005 and then combusted for reasons unknown to me (apparantly lack of money being one though). So in tribute to the deceased i'm posting my favourite track from the Nightrock Ep 'Kiss Chasing'. Although it may not be their best song and the closer 'David Boring' is a close second in terms of my favourites the pure and simple pop genius of this song gets me every time.

And you can get it here The Chalets - Kiss Chasing

I can't tell how many but at least one of the guys participates in the the madness that is the 'Warlords of Pez'.

And in a more recent discovery for me (I found out today) Paula and Caomhie a.k.a. Pee Pee and Pony have formed 'Talulah Does The Hula' with a Jessie, a Lauren and a Michael. I haven't quite managed to place the style enough to describe it so head over to their myspace to check out the two tunes available. The 5 piece play Whelans April 26th, tickets €10 are available from WAV box office.

Monday 23 March 2009

The New Annie Single Sleeve - Very Cute & Girly (songs not bad either)

The lovely Annie has finally posted a clip of her first (post-Island Records)..


Wednesday 18 March 2009

80's style back combing makes a comeback.

Alex Roots do be a sprightly young thing of 16 who's debut single "Fake" is coming out at the end of this month. The song is pretty epic in my opinion and despite being so young she already encompasses the spirit of a young Cyndi Lauper with a healthy dose of "Girlfriend" era Avril Lavigne. Have a look see for yourselves...

Carrying the jail bait pre-school punk theme, Daisy Dares You is a similarly sprightly young thing of 15 who currently has a fab choon up on her humble lil myspace by the name of "Number 1 Enemy" which has just been bestowed with the prestigious Popjustice song of the day.

Saturday 14 March 2009

I Get All The Girls (And Boys)

After losing the race for the position of Student Union president in my college I was somewhat disappointed. So I used the only cure I know for disappointment ELECTRO DANCE HITS!!!

So while trawling the internet and rediscovering some awesome dance choons I found a gender-balancing cover of Calvin Harris' 'The Girls' by Dragonette so in the the spirit of equality I present...

'The Girls'

Calvin Harris - The Girls

And 'The Boys'

Dragonette - The Boys

Friday 6 March 2009

Shameless guilty pleasure alert #2

The Veronicas are awesome.
I mean really, really awesome

The Veronicas - 4ever
The Veronicas - Hollywood (b-side)


VV Brown - v.v. good

There is also a really awesome remix/cover by She Who Must Not Be Named...

VV Brown - This Charming Man (Smiths Cover)

VV Brown - Leave (Little Boots Mix)


Thursday 5 March 2009

Metric - Fantasies Update

ilovemetric.com has just opened pre-order stuff on the 'Metric' album 'Fantasies'. The album will be released in its digital form on March 31st and subsequently will be shipped in its physical form between then and April 14th. Album formats will include the digital download for in or around the equivalent of €7 for the thrifty music buyer, a hardcover digipack with digital download, a vinyl + digital, a hardcover digipack+ Vinyl with digital download, and then a super-duper ultra pack with everything and lots of exclusive signed stuff etc., which is what I hope to get once I get the €50 necessary, are also available.

The site is currently streaming the extended version of the lead single 'Help I'm Alive' and what will undoubtedly be its second single the amazing 'Gimme Sympathy'.

Go here for streaming and here for purchasing.

Sunday 1 March 2009

Villagers in The Stables, Mullingar 28th February 2009

Yesterday myself, Blathnaid and Rob of Egoeccentric went on a bit of a trek down to Mullingar to see Villagers play in the Stables. Apparently all gigs there start late so there was time for a quick pint in Dun Laoghaire before the drive down to the midlands.

Click on the read more for a review of the gig.