Monday 19 April 2010

LCD Soundsystem Tripod Gigs Postponed!

A little bit of news for anyone going to see LCD soundsystem in Tripod tomorrow or Wednesday. Due to the flight cancellations as a result of that damn volcano the gig is to be rescheduled. No announcements on dates yet but it seems that the best place to get updates is here.

To tide you over until then here's North American Scum.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Foals - This Orient

Right! Its been quite a while so I thought I'd post something to get us back in the swing of things.
This song has been popping into my head quite regularly since hearing it for the first time a few days ago. Something of a change of direction for Foals who seem to have mellowed their usually frenetic math rock for this single and their previous 'Spanish Sahara'. Their new album 'Total Life Forever' is released on May 10th and the band have a string of dates all over Europe in support of it. If you are, (like me) from the Emerald Isle your only chance to catch them will be as part of the Heineken green spheres gigs. If you haven't already applied for tickets you can do so here up til the 28th of April.

Without further ado here is the new single 'This Orient'.